Sunday, July 12, 2009


What a busy couple of days I have had! I have been going nonstop to prepare for my friend Sandra's wedding. I was really nervous that we would not pull it all off, but miraculously we did!  I was a little skeptical that we could convert her back yard to a simple serene wedding backdrop.  But, somehow it all came together! It sprinkled a little off and on most of the day making it really difficult to get the tables and flowers situated under the tents.  Luckily it stopped just in time to prepare everything.  The tables were very pretty. I used white table clothes and centered hot pink broadcloths in the centers in a diamond shape. Then centered small bud vases filled with Eucalyptus (sp) and boxwood with yellow, hot pink and orange roses and lilies.  Then there were two round cakes and I decorated them with pink hydrangea blossoms and multi colored rose petals.  I made Sandra a bouquet of hydrangea, Eucalyptus, boxwood,  multi colored roses and lilies. It was spectacular if i do say so myself!!  The food table was decked out with buffet servers warmed with sterno, acrylic bowls filled with potato salad, etc. Then I sprinkled tortilla chip all around the food. It looked good and was quite functional.  BBQ is always a good way to go for an easy backyard wedding.  The only little issue was when the county commissioner who was going to marry them was not there and we were five minutes out from ceremony. I was all set to get up there and perform a fake ceremony for the guests( Not enough time to get ordained online, but I should go ahead and do it for future reference!) Fortunately, he arrived just in the nick of time! I was stressin that for sure!!  But, he got there and performed the shortest ceremony in history.  It was beautiful and Sandra and Mike were very happy.   So, all in all it worked out Great!!!! I am glad it is over!! I will definately be charging for these services from now on!!!  It is a lot of work and stress!!! but, I am super glad I did it. Sandra and Mike were very appreciative!  And my WONDERFUL husband was super helpful as usual! we had a great time together.  I am super lucky. I hope Sandra and Mike can be half as happy and lucky in love as Brent and I are.  I some times forget just how lucky we are.... Brent seems to always swoop in, in the last inning and remind me though!!  He is a real trooper!!  Lucky me!!!

So, today I plan to rest and do a few chores.  I guess I will spend my last 4 days of break baking in the sun, (if the weather will let me) and getting my life back in order to return to work. So sad!!!  Summer break has been WAY to short!!!  Oh well, at least I get a summer break I guess!!

That's all for today!

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