Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changes Galore

I know I promised I would be keeping this up more.... Little did I know I would suddenly become the busiest person around. Turns out have a newborn is a lot of work! LOL I bet most of you already knew this and are getting a good laugh right now!

So many fun things have happened since my last post. Let's see where to begin.

1. Hard to believe, I know, but being a stay at home Mom has made me even more obsessive compulsive and neurotic about organization. I did not know it was possible for me to be worse, but apparently it was. I have been making these "to do " lists. Apparently every closet in this house was a train wreck. I have slowly been cleaning them out and organizing them at naptime each day. So far I have managed to do the MTSU room, 1/2 bath, under the stairs, behind the bar, pantry, and laundry room. It looks like a rubbermade factory in all these areas now, but it sure feels better to my OCD!

2. I went to my classroom and packed everything up. I managed to leave there with only one car load of personal books and things. I gave everything else away to other teachers in the building. I cannot believe I gave away all evidence of my 8 year teaching career. I guess if I go back, I will start over with all new stuff. I know I complained a little about not enjoying teaching anymore and wanting to do something else, but leaving there for the last time and looking back on that empty room was kinda sad. I have totally recovered, but it was sad and bittersweet for a few minutes! I am glad I chose to teach for a while and I love it 75% of the time. I loved the kids and made some great memories. But, I am definitely ready for the next chapter in my story. I think I may consider going back to school and getting a masters in something during this time off with Izzy. I guess we will see. Right now I am not completely sure what I want to be when I grow up! LOL

3. Izzy and I are getting really used to each other and our daily activities. we have lots of fun playing and learning everyday. We also run around several days a week. Staying at home doing nothing all the time was become a real struggle for me. I realized quickly that going and doing things was not only good for me, but also really good for her too! I am glad I figured it out quickly so I did not totally go nuts here! We run errands, shop, go to lunch, visit friends, and sometimes just stroll around. It is good for me and a learning adventure for her! She seems to love to be on the go just as much as I do..

4. I am afraid I am going to have a hard time keeping up with Baby Izzy. She has already started doing things that she should not be doing for a long while. At first I thought they were just flukey things, but soon discovered the were for real and happening daily. She has been rolling over for a few weeks. She can roll from stomach to back or back to stomach. I know this is crazy, but it is true. She prefers to sleep on her side and works hard to get in just the right spot on her side at night. I am convinced her need to side sleep is what prompted her to roll so soon. She smiles all the time and is starting to make sounds when she smiles.... I would say a belly laugh is coming any day now. She has also started copying things we do. She will stick out her tongue if you stick yours out or pucker her lips if you do. She has also started repeating "ah"and "ooh" when you say them to her. The other day Brent called me in her room to watch her crawl backwards off of her tummy time mat. No lie, she seriously can crawl backwards.... up on her knees with her bootie in the air and everything!! Scary, huh? Brent has also taught her to kick her arms and legs to hip hop music while she is laying down. It is hilarious. I am afraid she is going to just get up and walk one day before long. As exciting as it is that she is accomplishing all of these things early, it scares the poo out of me because I know she is soon going to be really hard for me to keep up with!!

5. We took Izzy, on Saturday, to the Farmers Mkt for the 1st time. It was super fun for all of us. We had a nice morning walking around the square and we go some yummy veggies too. We may have to start a weekly tradition of going.

6. I am still getting gifts for Izzy in droves. I cannot believe all of the people that are sending outfits and gift cards and even $$ still. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that love us. I am also overwhelmed by the amount of Thank you cards I am sending out. It is all I can to get one written when another gift comes. It is super cool for her. I am running out of room on the gifts pages in her baby book. She will feel so loved one day when she is able to look back and read all of the people who thought of her when she was born. I certainly do for her!

7. I am going to start working on planning a couple of trips for us between now and the end of the summer. I desperately want to go to NC to visit my Aunt and cousins. I cannot wait for them to all meet Izzy. So I think we will plan a trip there and go a couple of hours further and take Izzy to the beach for a day or two at Wrightsville Beach ..... since it is so close to my Aunt's house, it would be a shame not to go! LOL Also, we need to go to Texas to visit Brent's family there and Massachusetts to visit his Dad. I think we have lots of visiting to do so I better get busy planning!

There are so many other new and exciting things going on at Casa Fiore, but not enough time to tell them all. I will hopefully take the time to get back on here soon and write again!

You can keep up with us in pictures by visiting Check us out there because I add stuff at least weekly!

That's all for now!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What's New

My Izzy Baby

Isabella and Gigi (my Mom)

Isabella Kate Fiore and Brent

Well, I know I have posted on here since September.... Here is what happened. I found out I was Pregnant and I wasnt telling anyone yet. I was always tempted to post something about it on here every time I logged on. I stopped blogging for a while so no one would find out! Then I got out of the habit of blogging and totally forgot about it. So here I am.... back to blogging.

I found out I was pregnant in August when I was about 3 weeks pregnant. We were so excited. but after our previous miscarriage wanted to wait a while before we told anyone. I think we finally started telling people around October.

I had a great pregnancy. It was super easy for a long time. I felt great. I actually felt better than I ever had. I was a little nauseated at first, but never really threw up. I was just a little nauseated for a few weeks. I had more energy than I remember having in a long time. Things stayed great for many months. Then in February, I was put on bed rest.... I had a couple of high blood pressures at checkups, and was diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension. In order to prevent it from turning into preeclampsia, my Dr decided modified bed rest was the way to go. It was tough a first bc I felt so good, but could not do anything.... then I quickly got used to doing nothing! LOL I also go to have weekly ultrasounds as a result. This was super cool because I watch the baby's growth and progress week to week. That is a really nice treat when you are pregnant for sure. So, the bed rest went well and I made it to 38 weeks when I decided to be induced.

I was induced on wednesday, April 21. This was also a great experience. We checked in to the hospital the night before and got all settled. then they started the meds early the next morning. It took a couple of hours for me to dilate to 3 cm.... then within the next hour I was completely dilated and ready to go. I started pushing at 2..... and pushed for 2 hours and 55 minutes.... Which sounds terrible, but really wasn't. I really couldn't feel a thing. At 4:55 Isabella Kate Fiore was born. She weighed 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 20 inches long. My Mom and Brent were with me and it was fantastic.

We had a great 2 day stay at the hospital and then came home on Friday.

So far, we are adjusting well to our new life. Izzy is the sweetest little angel you have ever seen. She changes everyday and does new cute things everyday. I love watching the new things she will do each day. She is sleeping pretty good most nights.... 3-4 hours at a time, then eating and back to sleep. We have had a couple of rough nights, but mostly good sleep for all.

I guess now my blog will probably be more devoted to her than to me.... I will keep you all up to date on the daily cuteness I live with.