Monday, June 29, 2009

Ok, so this is my first blog. I cannot promise that I will update this regularly, but I will sure try.  I spend time checking all the things my friends have to say on their blogs, so I thought I might give it a shot.  

So.... Let's see. Just got back from beach vacation last week. Had a great time as always.  I have really gotten used to my traveling group. I am not sure that I am necessarily cut out for vacationing with other people, but this group seems to travel well together. I think this was our 8th year traveling to Destin with them. It was a blast!

I have just barely 3 weeks left off work. I really dread going back..... but I figure I can do anything for a few months. I think it will be much easier knowing this is my last year there. I am definatly ready for a change. I am glad I at least used my degree for a few years, but I think 8 is my limit. I am totally ready to find a new adventure for my life.  I am glad we are in a good place where I am able to do this without feeling guilty about it.  I just hope I am doing the right thing!  Kinda Scary!!!

I had a great weekend. I had a small bridal shower for a dear friend. It was small, but nice. I am glad that is over. I went to the movies with my sweet hubby to see Angels and Demons (based on the Dan Brown book) Great movie. Much better than it's prequel, The DaVinci code.  Which may be the worst book to movie I have EVER see.  

I just read 2 really  great books by Tatiana Bongkompani.  Guilding Lily and Hedge Fund Wives. I totally recommend both. Last night  I started reading the Memory Keeper's daughter. It is already very upsetting to me. Brent says I am not allowed to read because I get obsessed and focus all my energy into reading a book until I finish it. Imagine that.... me obsessed! LOL

So, I guess that is all I've got for now. I will try to make myself do this frequently......

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